Gwenfair Griffith; Fy Stori Fawr

Gwenfair Griffith; Fy Stori Fawr

27th Apr 2024 2pm - 3pm
Greenwich Mean Time
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2024-04-27 14:00:00 2024-04-27 15:00:00 Europe/London Gwenfair Griffith; Fy Stori Fawr 8 Carmarthen Street,, Llandeilo., SA19 6AE


General Admission
£8.00 + £0.50 handling

Sale Ended

Event Details

Beth sydd ei angen i ddatgelu un o'r camweinyddiadau cyfiawnder mwyaf yn hanes y DU? Gwenfair Griffith sy'n siarad ag un o'r newyddiadurwyr cyntaf i adrodd ar Sgandal Swyddfa'r Post, Sion Tecwyn. (Cymraeg)

Welsh with simultaneous translation

Just what does it take to uncover one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in UK history? Gwenfair Griffith, editor of Fy Stori Fawr, talks to one of the first journalists to report on the Post Office Scandal, Sion Tecwyn.